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Enhance and Empower your Chakras workshop​

“ENHANCE & EMPOWER YOUR CHAKRAS” with Donna Maxine & Carla Samaden.
The word Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel or circle, so therefore a Chakra is a "wheel" of energy that spins round and round and travels from front to back through the body and energises the aura. 
As we are aware the cosmic energy streaming onto Earth is becoming stronger, which is raising your energy field to a higher vibration.

If your chakras are blocked, overactive or depleted, it causes an energetic imbalance, making your aura go out of alignment. This can affect you physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

To help you gain maximum benefit from these powerful energy upgrades we are experiencing, Donna Maxine & Carla Samaden have created an 8 part programme   "Enhance & empower your chakras".

This consists of 8 individual recordings that will give you a much deeper understanding about each individual Chakra and the planets that affect them.
We will be focusing on the seven major Chakras and the 8th recording explains more about the 5th dimensional chakras. 

The major chakras are "programmed" when we are younger and if we have had an emotional or traumatic incident in our youth they can stay blocked for many years! We will explain how you can tell when a specific chakra is out of balance and give simple techniques, including breathing exercises, guided meditations, affirmations, crystals and oils to help you achieve a harmonious vibration in each of the Chakras. 
You will be sent a recording each week along with symbols/affirmations and journaling information, so you can focus on one chakra at a time to get it in alignment (There are no deadlines or teaching schedules, meaning you are free to work on each chakra at your own pace and you keep the recordings and can repeat them as many times as you want to).
The cost is either £10 for each recording, or full payment of £60 for all 8 recordings.
This programme is suitable for all levels of awareness.  So whether you are just starting out on your self healing journey, or are an experienced healer, you will find it beneficial. 

To purchase please email –





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